Academy of Law and Justice
Mentor Program
The goal of the mentor program is to provide an opportunity for students to interact and build positive relationships with a legal professionals who can, in turn, serve as a resource to them.
10th grade Academy students are mentored by law students, "Buddies," from Thomas Jefferson School of Law. Academy students get help with their law classes and SATs. Buddies teach study skills and more about life after high school.
11th grade Academy students are mentored by practicing attorneys from the San Diego legal community. Students focus on setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, get help with researching and applying to college and learn essential job interviewing skills.
For additional information about volunterring as a mentor, please contact:

Sarah Brite Evans | Schwartz Semerdjian Cauley & Moot, LLP
619-236-8821 |sarah@sscmlegal.com